sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2012

DC Universe

Movement Modes


Speedsters travel through the streets of Gotham City and Metropolis at an incredible velocity. Those with Superspeed movement reach such tremendous acceleration that they can even run up the sides of buildings, up walls or across ceilings. Traveling long city blocks to get to the action becomes a cinch with this movement mode. In combat, speedsters become deadly whirlwinds using their quickness to move in and out of range with ease and special attacks to stun and disorient enemies. If you're a fan of The Flash, or any of the other speedsters in the DC Universe, then tap into the Speedforce and choose Superspeed for your movement power.


Acrobats are master aerialists and climbers who use their skills to vault across the rooftops of Gotham City and Metropolis with seemingly effortless grace. Acrobats are able to climb and cling to any surface, giving them a unique way to approach both movement and combat. Using a Grapple Line, Acrobats can quickly ascend tall buildings and traverse the gap between skyscrapers. And for movement across the massive cityscapes, Acrobats can even glide across the sky after leaping from vast heights. In combat, the Acrobat's agility is unmatched, with special combat moves designed to draw enemies in close to deliver precision attacks. If you like Batman, choose Acrobatics as your movement mode and start leaping your way to justice or chaos.


Fliers soar over the skyscrapers of Metropolis and Gotham City, swooping down to engage their enemies with devastating attacks. There is no place out of reach for fliers, who are able to traverse any environment with ease. Those with Flight movement have their own special combat moves designed to stun enemies or knock them senseless. Using the environment around them, fliers can turn almost anything into aerial projectiles to defend the innocent or destroy the city. If you want to feel the freedom and exhilaration of hovering over the entire city like Superman, waiting for your opportunity to strike your foes, then Flight is the movement power for you.


Fire Ice Mental Nature Sorcery Gadgets Light


One-Handed Hand Blaster Bow Brawling Dual Pistols Duel Wield Martial Arts Rifle Staff Two-Handed 

Game Update 21 is live!

Latest Game Update offers you a new PvP Maps, brandnew auto loot function and more …

Season's Greedings - 13/12/12

Citizens of Metropolis and Gotham City dress up, decorate both cities and invite your to the celebrations.

But not everybody feels like celebrating! Larfleeze, the devious leader of Orange Lantern, is doing everything in his power to steal all presents for Heroes and Villains alike from underneath the trees. Can you stop him?
This year you can also prove your worth in a thrilling boss fight against Larfleeze!
And you can look forward to lots of stylish Christmas items and new feats. Get ready for a few surprises, too!


Metin2 - MMORPG de Acção Oriental

Durante muito tempo o sopro do Deus Dragão tem tomado conta dos Reinos Shinsoo, Chunjo e Jinno. Mas este fascinante mundo de magia enfrenta uma terrível ameaça: A queda das Pedras Metin não só causou profundas feridas no continente inteiro, como espalhou o caos e a destruição em todas as terras e os seus habitantes. A Guerra rebentou entre os Reinos, os animais selvagens transformaram-se em bestas ferozes e os mortos voltaram a caminhar, sedentos de sangue. Combate a negra influência das Pedras Metin como um dos aliados do Deus Dragão. Fortalece-te e empunha as tuas armas para salvares o teu Reino de um futuro repleto de medo, sofrimento e destruição!


  • Um continente enorme no qual numerosos aventureiros e bravos guerreiros te aguardam.
  • Três Reinos inimigos aos quais te podes juntar.
  • Luta pelo território e por honra, a pé ou a cavalo!
  • Torna-te dono de um castelo e constrói a tua fortaleza com a tua Guild.
  • Torna-te um mestre em artes marciais e aprende muitas habilidades mortais 
  • Personagens:                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


    Graças às suas habilidades, às armas e às armaduras pesadas, os Guerreiros têm um papel importante nos combates Corpo-a-Corpo. Eles são conhecidos por ter uma grande força física e uma mente equilibrada.

    De acordo com a sua especialização, estes poderão causar dano elevado com armas de duas mãos ou através do hábil uso da Espada e Escudo proteger-se dos ataques dos inimigos.


    Os Ninjas são assassinos profissionais. Estes conseguem fazer emboscadas em qualquer altura sem fazer qualquer tipo de barulho. Para conseguírem ser ágeis e velozes, os ninjas só usam armaduras leves.

    Dependendo da especialização os ninjas poderão ficar mestres no manejo do Arco e Flecha ou Adagas.


    Abençoados pelo conhecimento devido a estudos intensivos os Xamãs usam Feitiços e Magias nas suas lutas. As suas habilidades místicas ajudam tanto o próprio Xamã como os que o acompanham.

    Como resultado da sua dedicação às Habilidades, os Xamãs poderão aumentar o seu dano, curar-se e invocar feitiços de ajuda.


    Os Sura são Lutadores que receberam poderes mágicos quando aceitaram a colocação da Semente do Diabo no seu braço. Por isso conseguem manejar com destreza uma espada em combate corpo-a-corpo ou usar magia para dar dano à distância.

    Com especialização estes conseguem melhorar ataques mágicos ou ganhar magias de suporte.



No PvP podes lutar sozinho ou em grupos contra outros jogadores na batalha pelo domínio de Iberia.


Nos duelos podes desafiar outros jogadores do teu reino e testar as tuas habilidades. Para isso, faz um clique com o botão direito no retrato com a cara do jogador que queres desafiar e clica em Duelo.

Assim que o outro jogador aceitar o desafio, irá demorar alguns segundos até que o duelo comece. Se um jogador se afastar muito do seu oponente, perde automaticamente o duelo.

O teu personagem não ganha quaisquer honra ou pontos de mérito; também não perde em caso de derrota.

PvP Livre

No PvP livre podes atacar jogadores inimigos quando quiseres, sem necessidade de iniciares um duelo. Se derrotares alguém, irás receber honra e pontos de mérito.

Conquistas de Áreas

Todos os dias existe um evento PvP onde os reinos de Derion e Valorian podem ocupar certas áreas estratégicas importantes.

Cada guild que conquiste um território ganha pontos. O total de pontos amealhados durante essa semana decide que guilds poderão participar ou não nas conquistas dos castelos.

Conquistas dos Castelos

As conquistas dos castelos é um evento PvP que decorre semanalmente. Em cada conquista, duas guilds entram em batalha por um dos quatro castelos. No fim, quem vencer pode usar o castelo como refugio da sua guild durante a próxima semana.

Mapas de Missão

Nestas áreas especiais podes ganhar mais experiência que o normal ao matar monstros.

Ambos os reinos tentam cumprir as missões que se podem fazer nestes mapas. Se o eu reino cumprir em primeiro lugar a missão do mapa, todos os jogadores irão receber um bónus adicional de pontos de experiência.

Podes encontrar mais informação sobre os mapas de missão aqui.

Torneios Mensais

De mês em mês acontece um grande torneio, onde os melhores jogadores podem medir as suas habilidades em combate e terem a oportunidade de ganhar armas poderosas.

Na capital do teu reino podes consultar as datas para registo no torneio, ao falar com o administrador do torneio. Mas tem atenção, os lugares num torneio são muito limitados.

Se quiseres acompanhar um torneio como espectador, uma janela aparecerá no fundo do ecrã: a partir dai podes apostar nos teus jogadores favoritos para vencerem.

Arenas de 3v3 e 7v7

Em Tebekut (Gor) irás encontrar duas arenas para batalha: três contra três e sete contra sete. Fala com o administrador da arena para desafiares um grupo


50% mais PE nas batalhas contra monstros!
Ler mais


Yo Busters!
We know you've been anxiously waiting for this one! The competition is about to get deadly and only the best will rise to the top. Introducing...
Find out where you really stand in the Buster hierarchy! Boost your Gem Score by defeating rivals to earn your spot in the legendary Emerald Rank.
Earn BP like a boss! Ranked Matches will reward you handsomely with Buster Points galore.
Brand new outfits inspired by a secret revolutionary society from the far east. Channel their brave spirits to overthrow even the mightiest powers.
It's that time of the year again! Don these holiday exclusive outfits and weapons to decide for yourself who's been naughty or nice.
There's a long way to the top of the rankings, but for a hot shot Buster, the sky is the limit!
- BB Crew
Maintenance: Thursday, Nov.29 @9:00pm EST
11/29/2012 2:12:43 PM
Yo Busters!
Please be aware that our servers will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, November 29th from 9-11pm EST in order to prepare for an update!
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.
- BB Crew

Finalists have been announced!
Please vote for your favourite Graffiti here:
Mega City is a proud supporter of the Arts. Yes, even the sometimes controversial Graffiti that peppers the walls of our community.
In fact, we're hosting our first ever urban art contest: Mega City Graffiti!
Take a screenshot of any wall in-game to use as your canvas, and show us your photoshop skills.
1. Graffiti must be related to Brawl Busters.
2. Email your entries to with title "Graffiti by [nickname]"
3. Submission deadline is Wednesday, November 28th
4. Multiple submissions are allowed.
5. We will choose the finalists and the community will vote to decide the winners.

1st: 10,000 RT2nd: 7,000 RT3rd: 3,000 RT

Let's Slay 6 Million Zombies!! (We did it!)
We did it Busters!
The Zombie horde has been successfully contained (at least until next Halloween). As promised, every Buster that slayed at least one Zombie has been awarded the Wukong Mask (30-Days) + 2,000 BP !
Check your lockers and enjoy your spoils!
- BB Crew
Attention Busters!
As you all know, the Zombie epidemic is stronger now than during any other time of the year. Maybe if people stopped celebrating witchcraft or dressing up like demons... but let's not get sidetracked here.
In order to keep their population in check, we need to:
SLAY A TOTAL OF 6,000,000 ZOMBIES by Wednesday, October 31st at 11:59pm EDT !
If we can reach this goal, every Buster that slayed at least one Zombie will win the Wukong Mask (30-Days) + 2,000 BP !
(Prizes will be awarded after the goal is reached)
Those Zombies aren't going to slay themselves, go go go!
Check out the Official Zombie Slay Counter below to track our progress!*
(*Counter is updated once a day every day)

Glow Control Tournament: Don't Lose Control
12/10/2012 5:34:52 PM

Glow extraction profits are at an all-time high and everyone wants a piece of the pie.
We're looking for the best Busters in Mega City to keep the situation under control!
Introducing the First Official Glow Control Tournament!

Sunday, December 16th@ 10:00am EST
How to participate:
 24,000 RT & 24,000 BP + Forum Signatures2nd:15,000 RT & 15,000 BP + Forum Signatures
 9,000 RT & 9,000 BP + Forum Signatures
*Split between team members*



MicroVolters, At-ten-tion! Of course you're all excellent toy solders already but we're sending you back to BOOT CAMP!
What's new in this military-themed update?
To rise through the military ranks, our armed forces will need a brand new arsenal!  Sniper Teams standby with the new line of AWM Snipers as all ground troops are clear to engage with powerful MP5s.  Support Team give us some backup with the new line of 134 Gatling Guns.  For those close combat tasks, check out the new Kukri Brilliant Box!
Use your tactical expertise as one of the Micro World’s “belles in blue” in Naomi’s new “MVPD” uniform (available in both the MP and RT Shop). For those desert terrain missions, regimentals in camouflage are required!  Check out Naomi’s “Camo” military uniform in the Capsule Machine, Knox’s “Desert Boonie” uniform in the MP Shop and Pandora’s “Elite” uniform in the RT Shop.
You'll notice that new RT Faces and Hands have upgraded stats and all new RT Parts get the BONUS MP treatment!
Make the most of your tactical gear with new military Accessories like the Special Forces Bag and the Very Special Forces Bag!
Don't forget that you can level up faster with BONUS EXP from ALL RT Head, Waist & Back Accessories!

Camps:                                                Weapons:

Rumpus Room
Bit Map

Hobby Shop
Toy Fleet
Wild West

Junk Yard

House Top
Model Ship

PVC Factory

Battle Mine
Toy Garden
Magic Paper Land


Some great news for our MicroVolters!
Available today are 4 NEW WAYS TO GET RT: LatamBilling, WireBilling, SafetyPay and Jampp!
You might have heard of these payment methods before, but just in case you haven't, here's a bit of info to help you out...
  • Make cash payments, direct transfers or use your local credit and debit cards easily with LATAMBILLING.  This new payment method widely covers the regions of Mexico, Argentina and Chile!
  • Make safe and fast direct transfers from your bank account using WIREBILLING!  WireBilling currently covers Argentina, Australia, Netherlands, Mexico, Poland and many other countries worldwide!
  • Bank transfers are made easily with new service, SAFETYPAY.  With over 75% bank participation in Brazil and 65% bank participation in Mexico, transfers via SafetyPay is also available in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru, Spain, Austria and more!
  • And since everyone loves FREE RT, check out the free RT offers from JAMPP!
We'll always be adding new payment methods to help our MicroVolters out, so stay tuned for more great additions!

Nuevas maneras de obtener RT: LatamBilling, WireBilling, SafetyPay y Jampp!

Buenas noticias para nuestros MicroVolters!
Disponible desde hoy son 4 NUEVAS MANERAS DE OBTENER RT: LatamBilling, WireBilling, SafetyPay y Jampp!
Es posible que haya oído hablar de estos métodos de pago antes, pero aquí hay un poco de información para ayudarle...
  • Haga los pagos en efectivo, transferencias directas o utiliza su crédito y débito fácilmente con LATAMBILLING. Este nuevo método de pago cubre las regiones de México, Argentina y Chile!
  • Haga transferencias directas rápidas y seguras de tu cuenta bancaria utilizando WIREBILLING! WireBilling actualmente cubre Argentina, Australia, Países Bajos, México, Polonia y muchos otros países del mundo!
  • Las transferencias bancarias se realizan fácilmente con el servicio, SAFETYPAY. Con más del 75% de participación de los bancos en Brasil y 65% de participación de los bancos en México, las transferencias a través de SafetyPay también son disponibles en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, México, Brasil, Costa Rica, Perú, España y Austria!
  • Y como todos aman RT Gratis, pruebe las ofertas de JAMPP!
Siempre le agregaremos nuevos métodos de pago para ayudar a nuestros MicroVolters, entonces estejan atentos para más adiciones!

Well we know you can shoot, but can you... DANCE?  The MicroVolts Team is presenting their very own "MICROVOLTS' BEST DANCE CREW"!
Get your crew together (at least two players in a crew) and choreograph a dance to any song you like!Then submit the YouTube link to your video to by December 2nd (don't forget to pick a crew name and include your in-game name and the names of your fellow dance crew members)The MicroVolts Team will pick the best dances and let the community decide on the final winners!
The winning dance crews get:
1st Place: 5,000 RT per player
2nd Place: 3,000 RT per player
3rd Place: 5,000 MP per player
*** Naomi, Knox, Pandora and CHIP have all gotten several new dance moves in our latest client (v. so make sure you have the latest client installed and then taunt while you're holding your melee, rifle, gatling or rocket launcher!) ***
So get out there, dance and make Randy Jackson proud!
P.S. Watch this video to see what we'll be expecting... but we hope you'll do it with a little more grace and a lot more coordination!...Skip to 1:30 of an example of what NOT to do ;)

New Update: Naughty & Nice

We made a list and we checked it doesn't really matter if you were naughty OR nice!
There's something for everyone in our newest NAUGHTY & NICE update!
Classes are out and the empty school halls make for a perfect toy battleground!  Be wary of what’s landed in the school gymnasium though…The Micro World’s newest villains will be making their appearances soon!
Each and every character is getting brand new, limited-time, holiday Parts!  Check out Naomi’s new “Santa’s Helper” outfit, Knox’s “New Years’ Joker” costume, Pandora’s “Advent Carol” dress, C.H.I.P.’s “Kris Kringle” disguise and more in the in-game Shop and Capsule Machine.  Deck out with new accessories also!
With a brand new arsenal, those grinches better watch out… That Holiday Tree melee isn’t to put gifts under and that GiftGun isn’t for giving out presents!  New Rifle and Shotgun Brilliant Boxes, exclusive to the in-game Shop, will surely stir up some holiday cheer as well!

Happy Holidays, MicroVolters! Stay tuned for holiday events coming soon! 

MMOSite is hosting their annual 2012 Reader's Choice Awards!
Think we're kinda great? Give us your vote and we'll return the love with Micro Points.
Vote once a day and
GET 500 MP daily.
MicroVolts is nominated for 7 different categories!
Best F2P MMO
Favorite MMOFPS
Best PVP
Best Game Play
Best Community
Best Graphics
Best Music
Vote for MicroVolts Now!
Voting Period: December 3, 2012 - January 6, 2013
Naughty & Nice: 2012-12-13